Viewing Session Data

To see and zoom in/out of the data you’ve recorded, click on the Name of the specific file you would like to explore on the Sessions page.

If the session is a large file, it may take some time to load the charts. You will see “Downloading Session Data. Please Wait…” at the bottom of the page as it loads.

Very large files may generate a message that says: “Warning. This session’s data file size is large and may not display properly in your web browser.” You will also see a button that says “Attempt to Display” which you can click, or you can download the large data file to your computer and use AcqKnowledge or another data analysis program to open the file.

At the top of the page displaying the session’s data, you will see Session Name, which you can edit. You will also see signals recorded, sampling rates, user, date and time.

You can edit your Session name and click on the blue check mark to save a name change. In this example, the name has been changed to session_while_working. You can also add additional information about the data by clicking the gray “More Info” button and entering it in the “Notes” box and clicking “Save” when you are done.

This example file defaults to displaying PPG (filtered), EDA (raw), HR (PPG), HRV (PPG) and Temperature (Raw).

The bottom of the page also displays a bar of data highlighted in gray that will allow you to zoom in and out of the data. You may need to scroll down with your keyboard or the scroll bar on the right of your browser window to see all charted data. By clicking on Hide Details, you can focus on the charts.

The following screen, in which we have slightly scrolled down to see all the charts, displays all the default charted data.

Above the top chart, PPG (filtered), you will see boxes that allow you to select specific durations of data to display from the session.

In this example, if you choose 1m, the page will zoom in to display the final minute of data.

The portion of the total session displayed from the individual session is indicated by the section of the bottom chart that is highlighted in gray. In this case, 1 minute of data is highlighted at the right side of the bottom/final chart.

To learn what the specific values are for a specific moment in time, you can “mouse over” any of the charts (without clicking) and see data values with that moment. In the next screen, you will see the values for each channel at 9:29:30.00 AM.

By dragging the gray (in this case, one minute) section at the bottom right of the screen, you can zoom in on one minute’s worth of data in another part of the recorded session.

You can select which channels of recorded data to display by clicking the Edit Charts button located above the charts. You can select or unselect specific channels from the drop down list, as shown in the following screen.

In this example, PPG (raw), Heart Rate, HRV, EDA (raw), and Temperature are selected to display. With a large data set, if you select or unselect a channel, it may take some time for the chart to refresh.

The Senstream iOS app also has an algorithm that marks “peaks” in the data. You can choose to display or hide peaks for the displayed charts by checking or unchecking the Show Peaks at the bottom of the drop down menu that appears when you click “Edit Charts.”

The vertical lines overlaid on each channel indicate peaks in each channel, as shown in the screen above screen.

Finally, by grabbing either of the small gray sliders that start and end the gray highlighted portion in the bottom chart, you can select a custom time duration of charted data to display.

Last updated